
146 Game Reviews

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Good for testing myself

This flash is a great way to be able to show how well you are able to flag other people's reviews. I have played through it various times, and through all of them, have made silver whistle consistantly. Hell, that even matches what my actual whistles is. (Though it is very high since I dropped down from gold.)

Some of the abusive ones are really, really obvious, yet I feel as if some of them are not. Was it the one that referred to other reviewers? Maybe the "u sux" one was, though I marked it as useless. In either case, geting deity would have to be very, very hard.

I do wish, though, that you would put in an answer sheet that shows which is what, and why. Of course, the medals kind of ruin the point of this, but maybe it should be an option for those that got the deity whistle. Of course, I cannot say that it is not, myself, since I have never made it there, but I cannot assume.

Very tricky, yet needs more to it. 7/10

Alright game.

This flash is a simple game, but that's all it is. Just one little mini-game which goes into levels that get sequentially harder. That's fine, but puzzle games like this, for me, just aren't interesting in the long run. I think I was around four levels into the game before I really started getting bored with it. It certainly looks nice, for one.

At first, it may not look challenging, but keep trying to place pieces in, sequentially, for a long period of time may give you carpel tunnel or something similar. Besides that, I have nothing else really to say. It's not a bad game by any standards; it's just boring.

Slightly above average.

This game actually has a bit of promise going for it. First off, I thought it was just a stupid little game, but it's not. It's challenging. If it were just you controlling Jim with your arrow keys, it'd be another pointless, boring avoiding game. You've done something here that gives us a differentiation from the normal.

Well, in the controls atleast. I never noticed why you did it in that way until I was at the level with the slime. If I ran into a wall, I died. I had to go through the down arrow to get to the up one, so I had to make sure I was constantly not too low. I died many times on that level. And the ones after that made use of this principal also. It's a good game in that respect.

The downside is your visuals. The title screen is, by far, the best screen of the game. In looks, atleast. Your level title cards are bland. I could make something like that in paint and I have no creative ability at all. You could've atleast added some flare to this rather than just click on the paintbrush icon and paint something.

For the rest of the game? They were fine for them, atleast. The stick figure looked slightly better, if only for the fact that he's in strips you can see. The only thing not black or gray are the colored objects in the game. Besides that, everything is in monotone. Perhaps you could fix that by adding, I don't know, more colors?

Well, it woudn't be so great withought its music. I never once heard the same loop over and over again. The music kept me going, and didn't bog down the game by repeating itself, or being just too horrible.

If you make another game like this, please, try what I've said. Overall, it's not bad, but it's not too great either. I'd just play it once, like it, then never play it again because it dosen't have anything too special.

lucatheawsome responds:

thanks i probarly am going to make a second one :)

What is this I don't even...

First of all, I don't care about how the game looks. I don't care if it has visuals that make me want to cry, in a good way. Just because you're making one with better graphics does not mean the game will be good if you're keeping everything else the same. it doesn't matter to me as long as I can tell what the game is doing.

First complaint, your stamina. It runs out way too quickly for you to be doing anything and it doesn't start full. You have to keep jamming, not holding, space whilst clicking around the screen. That's a chore in itself. Yes, I understand it's a single button game where you only have to get as many points as possible, but that shoudn't be a chore; atleast not in the first part of the game.

Overall, the worst part of the game is the (spider?). The first time I died, the spider was not anywhere close to me and I was just left saying "what?" to myself. Then you have to sit through a loading screen just to have another chance at playing this game again. After all that, I had a score of ~900,000. Overinflated much?

So: it's not fun, it's a chore, it makes you wait to start over, and you die way too early. Am I not seeing something here? If you are making Tarakan Enhanced, not only should you make it look better. It should play better.

--My way of doing that would be a "Survive this level for X amount of seconds whilst collecting gold" buy upgrades, repeat.(Mouse controlled)--

That's just for me, but it's your game. If you change nothing, expect the reviews to be almost identicaly in nature.

The best of the Exmortis series.

Exmortis 2 is, withought a doubt, the best flash in the entire three part series. Not to say that one isn't bad, but this one is the one I started with, and the one that I've played the most.

Right away, even if you've never played number one, it gets you right into the "action". (Even if the action is slow, it's still considered action) Arriving at the church and moving your mouse every which way, reading the different descriptions, seeing the clouds come closer, and even talking to what's-his-face in the booth all give us a tone for the rest of the game.

Sure, there's not much of a story except, "Exmortis come. We try to kill. We fail. We die. Few people left." but for this game, it dosen't matter. You're constantly on the run from them and don't have time to wonder about those things since the first thing you're focused on is surviving.

The ending left me confused, but not by much. More so in, "what just happened?". Besides that, I had a lot of fun and a bit of a jump fright playing through it. The only part I did not enjoy in the least is the puzzle. Yes, I know it is a point-and-click puzzle game, and that's alright. I can deal with going from room to room searching, combining objects etc. I do not like, however, clicking on random patterns in the "dead world" just to make a bridge to jump to a next level. Rinse and repeat around three times.

That, for me, isn't fun. It's a waste of time where I just go look up the answer for online, or if I don't find it, I might just quit the game all together. That didn't happen for this particular game, but for lesser ones it would.

The best part about this game is the simpilest by far. It's all around you, and on top of that it IS interesting. That's moving your mouse around and having the main character describing the scenes around him. What more is there to say? I can't describe how good it makes this game other than, "Go play it and see."

I don't see any way to improve upon this except for removing that one part. If you ever decide to make another Exmortis game, copy this one's formula almost exactly. Exmortis three was a dissapointment which I did not play AT ALL through the first few screnes of the game. If you make another one, please re-do Exmortis three.

If you would have done a four in this style, sure, I'd have lost some story elements, but I think the gameplay can get me back into it as fast as possible.


I, for one, am always interested in things science related. Well, most of the things science related. One of those things happen to be the scale of our universe, what it's made of and etc. This game satisfies one of those curiosities.

Looking at the sub-atomic makes me feel huge, then I zoom all the way out and feel extremelly tiny (Imagine what the planck-length feels to the observable universe). I love reading about all the things that are that small, or that huge.

If you were to make another game in a similar-style to this, I'd suggest adding a lot more variety and/or objects. This flash, while good, can only burn around five minutes.

Bullet hell

I've never really played any game in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, apart from the first one, but this is the one that, when I looked at it, made me interested in playing it. It starts out slow, I like that, and then by the time you reach the desert it's just a struggle to survive. If you'd look at my ratings, they go From S/A to A/B to C/D to E/F quickly as it goes down layer to layer.

It scales in difficulty nicely, but can be jarring at times. The only two times, well three but the third one does not count, I experianced this were when I was fighting underwater for the first time, and when I was fighting the pharoh. It gets you into the game, and then ramps it up when you're already hooked. That itself is a nice addition.

The music is fine, for the most part. I don't know, but I can't tell, when I'm not focused completely on it, whether or not the music is changing apart from the one at the menu screen. I think they need to have more distinct styles than that.

There really aren't any bad parts to this game with the worst parts being only average to slightly above average. Nothing is too horrible within it. If you'd have to improve something I'd just say more upgrades/levels/characters and etc.

For Bullet Heaven to be a 10/10, I'd have to be able to shoot rainbows out of Nolegs' ass, but that's my own opinion.

A lot missing.

First off, I'd like to talk about what's improved. The graphics have gotton better a bit, but it still dosen't feel like a defense game. Perhaps if you would've been planted inside of the building with the enemy coming out to attack you instead of you being out to the site it would've been better.

Secondly, the accuracy is far better. On the last game, I had trouble hitting anything if I shot for more than 1 second. With this, I can still hit things up to around 2 seconds. It makes things easier on the targeting and thus makes the whole game easier. The other thing is the repair bar. Last game you coudn't repair all, but in this one you can which makes it so much easier and less time consuming.

Now the game, for what it is, has a lot missing. What these games thrive on are the upgrades. All you have are weapons and the sight for them, which I never found out if they work automatically or you're supposed to equip them. Maybe I need to go over the controls again.

Anyways, all you have are weapons. That's it. You can't buy extra men to help you, you can't buy turrets, and you certainly can't buy wall upgrades or even base upgrades. It really leaves me bored after the first few rounds. There's nothing to strive for.

Maybe, if you make a Palisade Guardian 3, you'll incorporate this. I certainly would like to go through all 35 levels with that, but how it is, I start to lose interest at around 5.

It's really lacking.

Not great.

First of all, it's Pong and that's basic, but alright. It seemed to have an interesting background, but it's nothing real special with a few problems. First of all, the speed of our paddle, or half-circle, was way to slow for the speed of the ball at times. I should be able to get from side to side to hit the ball, but I'm not.

Only around a quarter of the way can I go at such speeds. That squeak whenever the Earth hits things tends to get annoying. If this was space pong, then the background might've been like a galaxy, and the two paddles could've been planets that were bigger or suns.

Another thing is that I just started the game again, and guess what. I've scored 3 points withought even doing anything. Now the computer has scored 9, but that dosen't warrent what I got.

I'm not exactly a poetry connesuir.

I'm not big fan of poetry, but this seems alright. Needless to say, I do have trouble understanding it, but as someone said to me along the likes of "Real genius is not meant to be understood" or something of it.

The pictures don't make sense, but I'd assume they're something to reflect on; reflting on apperances? After that there's nothing to say, but the music. It's alright when it's hushed down, but now that I've typed this and the flash is still playing, it's getting downright annoying.

I guess it's only supposed to go with the beggning to a little bit after the end of the flash, but still. When it makes those high noises at times, it's just plain annoying.

Will all of yous kindly fuck up?

Aira @Letiger

Age 28, Female


Joined on 8/6/07

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