
146 Game Reviews

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This game was alright. The upgrade system kept me hooked for a while. Why coudn't it show you what you already had? Like on otheres where the one you have and before is clearly marked?

The music was a little catchy. Especially as I dug deeper and deeper. Even the sayings at the beggining with the AOL man were funny. I mean even Chuck Norris digs? That's a good game. Really the only thing going for it for me is the upgrades.

I do enjoy games like Motherlode. So ones like that with upgrades are a definate good one. So really you should make a sequel. Hell even make a full blown game based off of this. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to Mo's bar.


This game is a good RPG. I did enjoy playing it for a while. You did say you made it in less than a day which is quite impressive. Maybe you already had the code for everything else and that's nice.

A major flaw is that it gets too easy. Once you start getting up there you can easily kill things 100 levels higher than you. Even at 999 I could kill them when I was only about 100-200. Even the 9999 was defeated eventually. I know that's not much of a challenge as this is "the challenge RPG".

However I would say that it is a good flash. I would like to see a challenge rpg 2 sometime in the future, but I hardly doubt that would happen. Maybe you'll come across and read this and it'll happen. I hope so.


This game was really challenging for me. Not the first level. The second I beat in two tries, but after that it started to get hard. That's how you know it's a really good game. Well for it's genre.

One thing, though. You put it as an action game, when in fact it is a physics game. I don't know if that's a section, but if it's not then the game is a puzzle game. Because you have to use your mind. And where do you use your mind? In puzzle games.

Another problem is that there is a lack of music. I don't know if that is my speakers or what, but they are on and I tried turning it up. No music. So you should definatly add some. The time limit was annoying too.

Especially on hard ones. Also what I find weird is that this is on the front page, I think, and it has a score of 2.78. What a weird flash. Especially with the 6.7 average review score.

mattfosho responds:

Maybe you are right about the genre, it was hard finding one that fits.

There is no music in this version, nothing wrong with your speakers...


This game is amazing. While the falling block conecpt is nothing to be amazed at, you've certanly added some intersting stuff. The different level designs every few intervels certainly added some design. I got to sixteen before complete lockdown.

Techno music with flashing lights is also an added bonus. I mean who woudn't like that? One thing I find cool is that once you get a bar full, it dosn't automatically make you lose. No, the lockout feature is certainly nice.

One thing I wonder is how many levels are there? Are there any more twists. I've seen stars, upside down, black and white, regular. Is there more? I would certanly like to find out, but am not skilled enough to do so.

I would like to congratulate you on sort of making first page. Keep up the good work!


This is a pretty need game. I woudn't consider it action though. More like a puzzle game. Puzzle because well it is. You need to find where to shoot to get everyone killed. That, my friend, is a puzzle. However I do see your reasoning for action.

The ways to kill people did amuse me. Seeing a whole row of them die in one shot is pretty awesome. When I had one hidden on that first level i used my pointer to backtrack to where i should shoot. Measuring where it would ricochet. It actually worked. I don't know how I could have know that it would do that.

In the later levels it got harder. I actually beat one with no bullets left. It adds a level of challenge to the game. The 10 bullets do. Any idiot can shoot blindly everywhere until people are killed. This game does have an interesting idea that is not implemented into most games.

I mean in COD MW2 you have one ricochet game, but before that, and all the rest, there is none. It simply isn't a factor there, but is in the real world. I would like to see different types of games from you too.


Another great game of worth. In pixles too! The music was simply 8-bit amazingness for this. Who knew it would go so well with the mass slaughtering of many people!

Thats one thing. Early in the game it was slow. But when I got an extra 100,000 it turned out to be awesome. Buying all the upgrades made everything just die so fast. I love it! Even as it went fast, near the end, I started to collect so many coins it felt good.

The heros did annoy me. But if they weren't there then the game woudn't be much of a challenge. Even the score of this game alone sets it for greatness. I mean how often do I see blue in the portal now? A lot nowadays, but before recently I barely ever saw it well except for Clock Day! Great work.

I hate work.

I can only wear those things on casual fridays? That's too bad. Ok on to the review.
So he wants to kill himself because he dosn't want to go too a meeting? Well I can believe that, but why dosn't he just quit. It's probably the last job he can get.

The different ways you can die are just amuzing. Even the 5% ones are near each other to give you about 25% at the max. Even the boss has a built in shark and ferret defense system! Very effective.

The woman also throws snakes at you. Why does she attack you if she is a god loving woman? Adult Swim you sly dog. Tsk tsk. The most annoying person in the whole game has to be the fat guy. He serves nothing more than to waste your time. I wish I could just kill him.

Oh and the different endings also amused me too. He went to Heaven, by killing himself. Well I certainly don't blame them. Now being stuck in the meeting was terrible. I hate meetings. He probably does too.

Hope to be playing 5 Minutes to Kill Yourself : Wedding Day on AS.com real soon. Until then hope it becomes a series of two or more games!

He's mean.

This rock is the best. Not because of how he looks, but I can safely say because of how he talks. A talking pet rock? Now I have got to have one of those. I remember playing this so long ago and it's still a nice game to play. Infact, most gadgets are.

The best line he says was probably "Well I'm a rock. I laid down in the dirt for about 20 years, until an idiot picked me up and now I'm here." Well that's the just of what he said. I can't remember word for word.

He is not useless however. I mean he fucking talks. What more can you want out of a pet? Much less a rock. I also find it funny that we get to try to feed and water him. He's a rock. He dosn't eat anything although he does have a mouth.

One thing that did get old with him is the over use of the word moron. He uses it way to much. I also remember another funny line he said. It was about starving people in Africa and you're trying to give food to a rock. Good job dude! Maybe next time we'll get a pet plant! Or a pet house! I don't know, I'm just making up stuff now.


Just amazing. Even on the easiest level I had a hard time beating it. Shit was flying everywhere and I just kept dying and dying. The next one was even harder, but I beat it in 3 tries. Average was a hard story. I coudn't evenn beat it. It was so hard I just got to the end wasting as many lives as possible just to be able to beat the boss. Damn falling clouds.

By my first death I found out that the levels were randomly placed. Or maybe they weren't. Either way the layought was different the second death than the first and so on. Music was a plus for the boss fights. The second level fight's music at first was so amazing. I forgot what it was, but heard it a long time ago and knew it was epic.

In conclusion, this game is pretty good. The name suits it well. "Futility". Yes it is futile to beat the game because what happens. Maybe there's a congradulations screen and that's it. Like AVGN fans would recall, there's a game that's so hard to beat or so annoying, but once you beat it there's not much of a reward. Those are shitty games, but this one hardly qualifies as shitty.

It's a golden turd with jewels.


This game is simply amazing. The sheer lonliness of no music and the fact of him saying "hello?!" at every beggning of stage makes it feel lonley and deep. The bubbles and him being naked on a BMX bike add comidec affect.

The thing does offer challenge like you said. I had to remember at certain parts I died because they caught me off guard. Good thing that it respawned me at the same screen so that I could try again.

Starting at screen 5 it got harder. It took way more tried to get past that then the others. At stage 6 I was beat. That part where it says you coudn't back peddle was my stopping point. I tried and tried and tried, but coudn't get past it. If you could tell me how that would be nice.

I would like to see more out of you, though. And I would also like to see where the trail of bubbles leads. Ha! Bubbles. The last man on a frozen Earth who knows how many years after everyone died desides to follow a trail of bubbles. I do wonder how it froze? Maybe global warming? Nah, more like global cooling!

DampGnat responds:

Hi letiger,
Thanks for the kind review! If you're stuck at the end of level 6, you need to swing the guy up to the cliff edge by using the up and down keys, like being on a children's swing :)

Good luck!

Will all of yous kindly fuck up?

Aira @Letiger

Age 28, Female


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