An old favorite.
Ah yes, Meteolife was an old favorite of mine. One of those that I spent playing for an hour or two. It reminded me a lot of StickRpg and yet was so different. Although even if it was bigger, it wasn't quite as great. I don't know if that's a cause of it, or just me.
After playing, you notice that there are a lot of glitches. Such as driving the car into the rock and the house to get it for free. Things like that. The different job things I loved, but there was only one that had ONE promotion. I like promotions.
If only all of them had that. But then, there are a few problems. The animations are short and sweet, but sometimes I'd like the option to skip them altoghter. Something else that bothered me was the "Being in debt is illegal and you have to go to jail."
THIS is what causes me to restart. So, not only do I lose all of my HP to go to jail I have to work the money off. FINE. But then, you lose HP when you go to work, and have to spend the money you're earning just to be able to HAVE THE PRIVALGE of working again. That is bullshit.
Overall, nice, but it has a serious flaw.