
143 Movie Reviews

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Last week, a couple of my friends had been talking about Homestuck; I've heard about it for quite awhile, but never really knew anything about it other than there were people with horns. When I heard about the length I said, "Challenge accepted" and proceeded to try and read all of it, yes, all of it, in one day. This didn't go as planned since six days ago I was derailed by Problem Sleuth and did not feel like continuing since four hours of my time was "wasted." On Monday, four days ago, I began my journey into Homestuck for seven hours straight.

At the end of that date I began ACT V. Today, I end ACT V ACT II. I love how you end every single epic, somewhat climatic scene with a flash animation worthy of carrying out the plot. Almost every single one of them has left me glued to my seat begging for more and more content so that I may satisfy my new addiction - Homestuck is crack. When I am not around it, I get the jitters. I just have to have my fix.

As the end of ACT V ACT II approached closer and closer, I felt my face moving closer and closer to the screen, wondering how it will all end. With this flash, all of my desires were met, and even more of them came to life. Even though there was not much dialogue in this flash, as someone who cares and paid attention to the plot, it wasn't necessary.

I do not need to say how great the animation, the music, or even how the scenes were in this flash animation. I only intend to leave this "review" as a record of my admiration and sheer fascination with this series. If someone had interupted me during the watching of this, I would have shouted at the top of my lungs for them to "kindly" leave me the fuck alone until it was done. If someone were to pull me away from the viewing of it, I would have punched them in the face and deal with the consequences after I was done watching.

For the end of a tearjerking, because my favourite character was "killed", page turning, and overall (though I do shy away from this word due to overuse, it is due) epic act, this flash does it no injustice.

Andrew, I share the same name as you - and even though that means nothing since many people do as well, I feel proud to have it the same. Also, you can probably tell who my favourite character is by reading through the one or two memes I tried to incorporate into this text box........
All of the characters, except a few, I care for. All of them I am emotionally invested in. I may be repeating myself many times over since I have not written a "Proper Newgrounds Review" in a long time, but this flash may go among some of the greatest I have seen on Newgrounds in a long time - and that's not even counting the ones I have not seen in Act VI yet.

I will wear your name proudly.


There is not much to say about this flash. Yes, it is good. Yes, it is funny. However, it is too short to warrant myself saying anything. As a bbs-regular, and possibly Grammar Nazi, it was funnier to me than to most people.

Your animation was great, and I would suggest making more flashes that have to do with something gramatically, like this. Of course, that is just myself talking. Normally, I would not have written a review, it is just the fact that the date in the flash happens to be my NG sign-up date, which I found interesting.


I like it.

Actually, it was pretty entertaining and semi-informitive, which is good. I've only been running Linux for a few months now, and I actually like it way better than Windows. Well, that's how I found this flash whilst searching Linux randomly on Newgrounds.

Anyways, even though I found it entertaning, it was too short for my needs. You could've made it longer than what it was. Secondly, the visuals were great; just what you need. What counters that is the audio you recorded. It's too low quality for what you've drawn which makes this flash seem less professional, or rather gives it a lower quality.

I'd like to see a LvW:Linux2 with many more reasons as to why Linux is better. Honsetly, there are just too many.

Well that was pointless.

We definatley need more of these on Newgrounds. I mean it; I've always liked the random shorts to some extent. The simple drawing style you used for this gives it a much better flow than it could've been. Kind of ruined at the end with the colored "Glass Cake" logo, but it can't be helped. Mostly.

Sure, some of them weren't that funny, but the ones that weren't, weren't horrible. In my opinion, it should've been longer than it was, which was around 3 to 4 minutes in length. Try doing one, like this, but as long as African Dudes. The transitioning between each random segment was annoying. I know it's standard to do the TV static sound inbetween, but hearing it more than a few times in a row is giving me a migrane. At the very least an annoying headache.

Oh, and you can't forget about achievements. (God that African Dudes 100 point one was a bitch.)Always use achievements to have more views. Oh, and your title should've been dfadsfasdmovie, not asdf. Who types asdf anymore? I know I don't.


I have to say, I'm not quite as impressed as I thought I should be. Let me explain.
First of all, I'm gonna start with the story. It's simply ok. I'd assume you're releasing these epidoes in the form of "shorts" in order to get them released faster, but it's not working for me, who atleast is interested in what's happening. The whole thing, guestimate,was around 3 minutes.

Which was around the same for the other, episode 1 and possibly Delusions of grandeur, which is still my favorite one after 4 years now? The voice acting, sub-par. For the girl's, which I think is still unnamed, it's slightly above average for me. Not the most perfect thing, but it'll do. However, the man's is slightly below. I don't know, it just dosen't feel right, they way he sounds. Maybe I'd need to watch episode 1 again, but I'm rushing this review.

And now, the worst part (but it's not bad!) for me, the graphics. The first thing that caught my eye to this, was how their head moves. When they talk, or in the begging when there was a lot of "action" it felt really wrong. It gave me the impression that they shoudn't be moving like that. Personally, the way you did it in episode 1, with real pictures and not drawn backgrounds, was better.

For a giant step up, I'd like to see how it was done in Grandeur, but I can't expect it all. Then there's the running scenes. I can't quite remember what he said, but I got the impression that the animation did not match what he said, in mouth and character movement, right before they lept out of the window. And for the last part which was quite obvious to me, was when he ran from the cyclops?

Anyways, whilst he was running from that, it felt slow. You know, when the camera panned way back and it was leaping from bulding to building. The legs on the man just felt like he was running through mud, not in the street as fast as he can.

I would wait 2 years, maybe 2 1/2 at most, for an ATU 3 if it had the same feel as Grandeur, was longer, say 10 minutes, and overall, looked better (^). It felt more "Deep" when there was no dialogue, but I'm more interested long term when there is.

Maybe you can find a happy medium?


crystalpencil responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Alot of people seem to prefer the Delusion of Grandeur installment, stylistically and conceptually. I need to reexamine it again. Although i find it hard to watch sometimes, it's like looking at an old awkward photo. Im still trying to discover what it is Im doing here, so with each episode this series will morph. Into what, I don't know, but I'm hoping to make progress either way.


I'm sorry, but what is this? When I first started it, I heard no sound. I just saw the pictures of a bagel moving around. Secondly, that's not very interesting. You could've done better, instead of a looping .gif of a bagel, by having some animation. And if you can't animate, then maybe you should stick to audio. An example being "Look at my horse"

When I did a right click->play the sound came in and my god was that song annoying. It wasn't catchy, and not even well made. I had to refresh the page to write this review, it was that annoying. Not even catchy in the slightest. Some songs that are annoying atleast you can sing along to them. This one, the only word is bagel and that hardly makes for a song.

If you had some decent animation about a bagel doing bagel things, then maybe it might've been better. 4/10 review 2/5 vote.

Garage responds:

I'll admit that I laughed when you used "Look at my horse" as an example of good audio, but I tried my best to take the rest seriously.

Thanks for the review!

Not good at writing summarys.

It had pretty decent animation, atleast from what I saw when they were walking. Felt pretty fluid. Infact, the first time I saw the pink stick figure I was reminded of Xiao Xiao for some weird reason.

The actual plot was something that was alright, but I woudn't just outright watch had I not clicked the random flash button. It did feel rush. After he pulled out an assualt rifle, they only had two more to go until the end.

It would've done way better if instead, they went on into tanks and planes and even made-up weapons to show they have a bigger dick than the other guy. That's what this is about, right?

A tad short.

It's a bit short to warrent any kind of expanding on. Infact, I had to watch it again. Once for the sake of it, twice for reviewing. You can certainly draw well, if you need that, but there's a little something called length. What I see is just random clips of snowboarders.

If you could make a game out of it, I hardly doubt you will, then all the better. Why not? It certainly looks more like a game than an animation at first glance. However, and I must point this out, I don't like the music. I just don't like that type at all.

It might've been better, if only to me, if you had the sound effects OF actuall snow/skateboarders.

Will all of yous kindly fuck up?

Aira @Letiger

Age 28, Female


Joined on 8/6/07

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