
143 Movie Reviews

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Wait what?

This flash is Grade A WTF. And not in a bad way. First of all the people I can hardly understand sometimes. From what I get they want to have sex, and that's basicly it. Until we find Stamper plays with dolls, I mean puppets.

That was funny. Especially the grandma calling them dolls. Why was it in French? I don't think any of you know that. Maybe you used google translate, that piece of shit. It ended suddenly too. I don't know. It's just well...oh wait. Stamper made it.

If Stamper made it it's not supposed to be serious. Pennyfarts. I just love that name. It's like Gaylord. I mean, come on.


Dubs simply do not belong on newgrounds. I will give you that it takes time to voice act them, but this is a mainly flash posting site. Not a random claymation/dubbing one. I will review it on the writing.

The voices were hard to understand at time. When they were there, I could hardly understand what they were saying. The last thing that woman said I coudn't understand, but the rest after that I could.

I did like the fact that he said he was a woman. And the Yugi said she gave him weird looks. It even makes it funnier. The "I can't believe I smoked so much weed" did put a suprise ending to the flash. I can't think of any other way to end such a thing.

A little short

This flash is a little short which does not warrant my usual 1,000 character reivew, but I will try to add as much of it as I can. The assasination is really good. A little short and sweet, but that's all you need to tell.

Maybe an escape scene could make it a lot better. The song could be way better. I remember how it went and heard it all the time on youtube. But now when I go and try to find it, nope. Nothing. It went duuuh duuh in a sort of techno style thing and everyone used it in pwnage videos of things. Had no words, that sort of thing. Maybe it was DJ something, but I'm not short.

The thing I found the most funny was that Mr.Freeman was there, just probably as some sort of joke. Or maybe he was part of it? Who knows.

C-Doodlez-Man responds:

Mr. Freeman was apart of it man! Not really, just seeing how many people would notice, which most do. I'm currently working on the next madness assassination which takes place in Nazi germany. I am using alot of this critisim to improve.

Simply Nostalgic

A long time ago I was really pumped up by this flash. Who would have thought that a few years later it actually has become a good one. Hell the real episode one got a 4.7! You are truly amazing at flash, even if it does take you a while to do so.

This one was not like the episode one, but you could just plump it in to another episode. I mean it is a teaser, but it does make sense. She goes into the city. Now why were there people shooting her? I know it's supposed to be looting, but they have military grade weapons.

That one guy who was basicly a spine was gruesome. It actually looked real. I think he died when the car exploded. Also who was she fighting? I know I asked why above there, but who? This is a teaster and I know I'm asking too much out of it, but still. You do kind of want answers.

This does deserve more recognition. I do see it has three million views, but that's probably over time. It needs to be mentioned more. Hell I remember people saying how close Fallen Angel epiosde 1 got to 5.00, but nobody mentioned this. RobsH66 you are one of the best animators on NG.


For the first of a series, this is pretty good. Now it isn't animated as good as the rest, but hey what can you expect from a smi-beginnner at the time it was made. Personally, I would hate to be Blockhead's concious.

He has a hard enough time trying to control the guy. It took literally about a minute and a half just to get him to dial something, and then what? He hangs up because he's too stupid to realize that it's automated. But that's what the series is for right? Idiocy?

The whole thing is a joke. Not in a bad way. There are no jokes here. It actually is the entire flash. That's what makes it so good. I will say that the way you ended it was kind of ok but then again it wasn't. Maybe he could have opened the door and a "The end" could have just flown into him. That would've been funnier.

If I was his concious I would do nothing. Just let the army take blockhead down and into the insane asylum. I dont even think that would help him. What's his IQ? -100? I think a shovel and a garden hose could be smarter than him. Infact, they scored a positive 15.

Take your breasts off. ^ Evony ad

This flash is just so random. It starts with a woman who looks like a man taking her breasts off on the hanger? So she looks more like a man. Then the man just starts to talk about random things in no specific order that have nothing to do with eachother, but they transition so nicely.

What kind of medicine is it? Personaly I'm having a fit of rage trying to decide that let alone try to figure out what's in it. This is actually a hard flash to review. I know I've already said this, but it's so random.

The man who talks throughought the whole thing is in monotone. No change in voice or any sense of emotion in it. It's probably a side-affect of working their. The drug that should cause happiness causes the person to advertise it to become like that? Maybe it dosn't cause happiness.

Maybe it's just something that makes you have no emotion. Fooling you into not having any emotion thus not feeling sad or angry etc. when you normally would be about things, thus not actually making you sick. You aren't sick when you don't worry about things. Atleast from a physological standpoint.

Also the #3 part really did intrigue me. It's in the video, but then you say it's not. Fooling the viewer into thinking they have a problem. Why did he get angry? Is it because the kid wanted to do drugs and spreadsheets? I may never know. The bubble part was just....there then showing that happiness sign.

Mr.Firth, you work in truly unpredictable ways.


Now I am not an advid fan of the Madness series, but I do enjoy sensless violence from time to time. The fact that it has grown to epic proportions from something like this is a feat to be recognize.

How simple flash was back then, and making something like this is pretty good. Everyone died though. Even Jesus! Atleast I thought it was Jesus. The man in the background died too, though. Was kind of expecting and yet not expecting that.

Now why did they attack him? I know asking that kind of question is thinking a bit too much, but why? Because he pushed away a guy who wanted his boombox? There is much explaining that needs to be done.

At the end it said he had a good time doing it. Well of course he did. He was dancing like crazy after they all died. And the bodies were still there! You can't actually tell because they have the +'s on all of their faces. Infact if you closed your eyes the only way you could tell who the main character is, is if you saw who actually survived. But if you only saw for about lets say ten seconds then you coudn't tell. Good work!

Hail Communism-or is it Socialism?

The thing is very well animated. I didn't like the fact that is was a musical. I thought, when I clicked on the flash, that it was going to be a documentary of sorts. However, it woudn't have done as good if it wasn't a musical. That is not the same message.

Another thing I'm nitpicking here is the fact that it is in German. When you think of Communism/Socialism the first country you think of is Russia. Now this flash is probably set in the time when Russia or the USSR was still in Communism. So then why isn't it in Russian? I'm sure you could have gotten a Russian person to do this.

I mean look at Nightwayfarer. (S13.) This flash does highlight the other side. Here in America, we always see the same anti-communism side of the battle. Even when trying to watch old ones I cannot find the other side of it. This one however, in a strange way, does show that other side. I think it would work better if you did show both sides, but then nothing is Un-biased.

That is too say there is no neutral thing to put in both sides. Because if someone who is pro-american tries to put in the other side that's not his. It will end up leaning towards his side more. And if you got the two opposite people, it woudn't have been great. Good flash though!

Will all of yous kindly fuck up?

Aira @Letiger

Age 28, Female


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