#include <math.h>
double dist(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) {
return sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
double slope(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) {
void main(int argc,char **argv) {
struct {
double x;
double y;
double speed;
double new_speed;
double dist;
} a,b,c,you;
double dist_a, dist_b,dist_c;
double raptor_accel=4.0;
double you_dir=30.0;
double interval=0.001;
double time=0.0000;
double grad;
double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
int i;
double best_dir=0;
double best_time=0.0;
char best_got;
char got;
for (you_dir=32;you_dir<33;you_dir += 0.001) {
you.x = you.y = 0.0;
a.x = 0; a.y = 11.547005383792515290182975610039;
b.x = -10;b.y = -5.7735026918962576450914878050196;
c.x = 10;c.y=-5.7735026918962576450914878050 196;
a.dist = b.dist = c.dist = you.dist = 0.0;
a.speed = b.speed = c.speed = 0.0;
a.new_speed = b.new_speed = c.new_speed = 0.0;
you.speed = 6.0;
time = 0;
while (1) {
dist_a = dist(a.x,a.y,you.x,you.y);
dist_b = dist(b.x,b.y,you.x,you.y);
dist_c = dist(c.x,c.y,you.x,you.y);
printf("you at at (%f,%f) -travelled %f\n",you.x,you.y,you.dist);
printf("raptor a at (%f,%f) ( distance %f) - travelled %f\n",a.x,a.y,dist_a,a.dist);
printf("raptor b at (%f,%f) ( distance %f) - travelled %f\n",b.x,b.y,dist_b,b.dist);
printf("raptor c at (%f,%f) ( distance %f) - travelled %f\n",c.x,c.y,dist_c,c.dist);
if (dist_a == 0.0 ) {
printf("Raptor a got you in %f secs!\n",time);
if (dist_b == 0.0 ) {
printf("Raptor b got you in %f secs!\n",time);
if (dist_c == 0.0 ) {
printf("Raptor c got you in %f secs!\n",time);
time += interval;
/* You Move first */
you.x += you.speed*interval*cos(pi*you_dir/180)
you.y += you.speed*interval*sin(pi*you_dir/180)
you.dist +=you.speed*interval;
/* Accelerate the raptors */
a.new_speed += raptor_accel*interval;
b.new_speed += raptor_accel*interval;
c.new_speed = b.new_speed;
if (a.new_speed > 10.0 )
a.new_speed = 10.0;
if (b.new_speed > 25.0 )
c.new_speed = b.new_speed = 25.0;
printf("a raptor_speed is now %f\n",a.new_speed);
printf("b and c raptor_speed is now %f\n",b.new_speed);
/* Raptor a moves */
if ( a.speed*interval > dist_a ) {
printf("Raptor a will get you within this interval time is %f secs!\n",time);
got = 'a';
grad = slope(a.x,a.y,you.x,you.y);
a.x += (a.new_speed+a.speed)/2*interval*cos(g rad);
a.y += (a.new_speed+a.speed)/2*interval*sin(g rad);
a.dist += (a.new_speed+a.speed)/2*interval;
a.speed = a.new_speed;
/* Raptor b moves */
if ( b.speed *interval > dist_b ) {
printf("Raptor b will get you within this interval time is %f secs!\n",time);
got = 'b';
grad = slope(b.x,b.y,you.x,you.y);
b.x += (b.new_speed+b.speed)/2*interval*cos(g rad);
b.y += (b.new_speed+b.speed)/2*interval*sin(g rad);
b.dist += (b.new_speed+b.speed)/2*interval;
b.speed = b.new_speed;
/* Raptor c moves */
if ( c.speed*interval > dist_c ) {
printf("Raptor c will get you within this interval time is %f secs!\n",time);
got = 'c';
grad = slope(c.x,c.y,you.x,you.y);
if ( c.x > you.x ) {
c.x -= (c.new_speed+c.speed)/2*interval*cos(g rad);
c.y -= (c.new_speed+c.speed)/2*interval*sin(g rad);
else {
c.x += (c.new_speed+c.speed)/2*interval*cos(g rad);
c.y += (c.new_speed+c.speed)/2*interval*sin(g rad);
c.dist += (c.new_speed+c.speed)/2*interval;
c.speed = c.new_speed;
if ( time > best_time ) {
best_time = time;
best_dir = you_dir;
best_got = got;
printf("Best time is %f best dir is %f got by raptor %c\n",best_time,best_dir,best_got);